The solid capital position allows the distribution of a total dividend of 111,5 million Euro for 2024 (2,12 Euro per share), roughly 40% higher than the Business Plan targets, of which 63,1 million Euro (1,20 Euro per share) distributed on 20 November 2024 and 48,4 million Euro (0,92 Euro per share) which will be distributed on 21 May 2025.
2024 preliminary consolidated results
Reclassified consolidated data[2] – 1 January 2024/31 December 2024
Capital requirements[3]
Rome, 10 February 2025 – The Board of Directors of Banca Ifis met today under the Chairmanship of Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio and approved the 2024 preliminary consolidated results.
“Over this three-year period, we have successfully implemented the Business Plan, exceeding all the financial targets set and pointing the Bank increasingly in the direction of digitalisation and sustainability. The cumulative profit, which was achieved over the three-year period – 463 million Euro and 12% above the Plan targets – is also supported by the new dividend policy approved in 2023: the remuneration of shareholders, through the distribution of constant dividends, allows us to achieve a payout ratio of around 70%. These results were achieved while keeping the Bank’s solid capital base intact, with a CET1 of 16,1%, roughly 100 basis points above the Plan target of 15,1%. In line with our corporate vision that puts sustainability, in all its dimensions, at the centre, we have strengthened our commitment, with distinctive initiatives such as the Kaleidos Social Impact Lab, through which we have implemented around 40 high social impact projects for people in the areas in which we operate”, states Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio, Chairman of Banca Ifis.
‘The net profit for 2024, at 162 million Euro, was above the Plan targets, just like the profit for the two previous years: this is a clear sign of the strength and effectiveness of our transformative actions. High levels of profitability and the new dividend policy inspired by our major shareholder have enabled us not only to be generous with our stakeholders, but also to position ourselves in a leading role in the complex Italian banking landscape. During the Plan period, the Bank recorded significant growth in its Corporate and Commercial Banking business, both in terms of profit and volumes. The Bank also completed the acquisition of Revalea from Mediobanca and still has capital levels that allow us to look forward to further short-term opportunities. Although against the backdrop of an environment that is certainly less generous for the banking sector, Banca Ifis can now look forward optimistically to a future in which it will be able to benefit from the path set out over the past three years to foster revenue growth in the commercial business, stable recoveries in the NPL business and increased results from the proprietary finance business,” says Frederik Geertman, CEO of Banca Ifis.
The revenues of the Commercial & Corporate Banking Segment in 2024, up by 2,0% compared to 2023, reflect the dynamism and quality of work of the commercial network, which has allowed the business to grow despite lower demand for credit at a country level due to higher interest rates and has enabled the Group to offset the increased cost of funding. In 2024, the Bank created new solutions designed to strengthen the commercial offering to support businesses. These include new partnerships with leading international operators, such as Yamaha Motors, in the leasing and rental of electric bicycles for the tourism sector.
The NPL segment’s 2024 revenues, up 0,6% from 2023, reflect lower purchases of NPL portfolios. Cash recoveries on purchased portfolios in 2024, including 53 million Euro from Revalea, amounted to 422 million Euro, up 6% compared to 2023. To date, judicial and extra-judicial recovery activities do not show any significant negative impact from rising inflation and interest rates, but are impacted by the longer times of judicial activities.
The average cost of funding as at 31 December 2024 stood at 3,87%, up from the average cost in 2023 of 3,08%. The average spread, calculated as the differential between average customer interest and the average cost of funding, decreased slightly, from 2,38% in 2023 to 2,18% in 2024, with the trend taking hold mainly in the last quarter of the year as a result of the European Central Bank’s reduction in interest rates.
At around 2,9 billion Euro, the securities portfolio under Proprietary finance unit was slightly lower than the 3,1 billion Euro in December 2023. The duration of the portfolio was extended from 2,3 years in December 2023 to 3,8 years in December 2024, confirming active and opportunistic management, while maintaining a limited risk profile.
The asset quality ratios, the Gross Npe Ratio and the Net Npe Ratio, stand respectively at 5,4% and 2,9% (respectively 5,7% and 3,2% at 30 September 2024), up slightly from the previous quarter due to the increase in performing loans attributable to the seasonality of the Factoring Area, while gross impaired loans remained substantially stable in terms of amount compared to 30 September 2024. The asset quality ratio at 31 December 2024 would come in respectively at 5,0% and 2,5% excluding reclassifications resulting from the application of the New Definition of Default regulations to receivables from the National Health System (NHS), which are characterised by limited credit risk and long payment terms. The average coverage of non-performing loans was continuously strengthened from 35% in 2022 to 48% at 31 December 2024.
Capital ratios confirm the Group’s great solidity. Both the main indicators remain well above the minimum required levels, with a consolidated CET1 Ratio of 16,10% (14,87% as at 31 December 2023) and a consolidated Total Capital Ratio of 18,11% (17,44% as at 31 December 2023), calculated including 2024 profit, net of the dividend accrued.
The solid capital position allows the distribution of a total dividend of 111,5 million Euro for 2024 (2,12 Euro per share), roughly 40% higher than the Business Plan targets, of which 63,1 million Euro (1,20 Euro per share) distributed on 20 November 2024 and 48,4 million Euro (0,92 Euro per share) which will be distributed on 21 May 2025.
Banca Ifis and its commitment to sustainability
The year 2024 saw the completion of Banca Ifis’ three-year ESG Plan, which covered three main areas of intervention: social, governance and environmental. On the social front, the Kaleidos Social Impact lab, inspired by Chairman Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio, implemented more than 40 initiatives for a total commitment of 7 million Euro, up from the 6 million Euro initially envisaged in the Plan. In order to quantify the social impact generated by these projects, Banca Ifis, in collaboration with Triadi – a spinoff of the Milan Polytechnic led by Mario Calderini – has developed an impact measurement model that allows the return generated by these initiatives to be quantified in economic terms. Applied to all Kaleidos projects already implemented, the impact measurement model showed that one euro invested by Banca Ifis in social initiatives generated, on average, 5,1 euro of social value. The most significant initiatives carried out during the period included those in the field of medical-scientific research, with support for the Bambino Gesù Paediatric Hospital Foundation in the research project aimed at assessing the safety and effectiveness of gene therapy with CAR-T cells on young patients with relapses or not responding to other currently available treatments for malignant tumours of the central nervous system. Another significant long-term collaboration is with the Advanced Biomedical Research Foundation in Padua, through the “Adopt-a-Researcher” projects and the support of studies in the area of neuromuscular and metabolic diseases. Again thanks to Kaleidos, Banca Ifis has intervened in support of projects aimed at the most vulnerable categories, such as the disbursement in favour of the Banco Alimentare Onlus Foundation, which has made it possible to distribute the equivalent of ten million meals to people in difficulty.
On the governance front, the Bank has set up a Sustainability Committee, chaired by Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio, which has a steering role in all the initiatives that the Bank implements in the area of sustainability. These initiatives were rated positively by the international rating agency MSCI, which raised Banca Ifis’ rating from A to AA in 2024, positioning the bank among the leaders in the financial sector.
The sustainable innovation of Banca Ifis’ business model has also driven the implementation of initiatives with a highly positive impact on the environment. After joining as the first challenger bank in Italy to the United Nations’-sponsored Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) initiative to accelerate the sustainable transition of the international banking sector, the Group communicated its targets for the reduction of financed emissions on its loan portfolio by 2030. Over the course of the plan, Banca Ifis also developed several new products to accelerate the sustainable transition of businesses and our economy, such as solutions to foster sustainable mobility and energy transition, realised in cooperation with leading international partners.
Banca Ifis has also been committed on the social front through ‘Ifis art’, the project desired and conceived by Chairman Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio for the enhancement of art, culture, contemporary creativity and their values, also through public-private initiatives. The symbol of Ifis art – representing one of the greatest examples of corporate collection – is the collection of the Villa Fürstenberg International Sculpture Park – open to the public free of charge every Sunday – with over thirty works by some of the best-known contemporary Italian and international artists. Also as part of Ifis art, in the three-year period just ended, Banca Ifis accepted the appeal of the Ministry of Culture to rescue and secure The Migrant Child, one of only two works by the artist Banksy on Italian soil. The project, which also includes the restoration of the 15th-century palace on which the work is found, will start at the beginning of 2025 and be completed by 2026.
As part of its strategy to support activities with a cultural and social impact, Banca Ifis in 2023 acquired a 2,4% stake in the capital increase of the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana founded by Giovanni Treccani in 1925. In 2024, Banca Ifis also entered, with a minority stake, into the capital of The Street S.r.l., the company that manages the cultural hub of the Treviso Arts District and that, to date, controls the majority of 21Gallery, Il Cantiere, Ristorante Vite and the design brand Ondesign.
[1] In January 2024, the Banca Ifis Group was notified of the new SREP requirements by the Bank of Italy. The new requirements provide for a CET1 of 9,0%, a Tier 1 Ratio of 10,90% and a Total Capital Ratio of 13,30% (including 1,0% P2G) and apply starting 31 March 2024.
[2] Reclassifications and aggregations of the consolidated income statement concern the following:
[3] The CET1, Tier 1 and Total Capital at 31 December 2024 include the profits generated by the Banking Group in 2024, net of the dividend accrued.